PV24 Schedule of Events

[Indica Labs] Implementation of Breast IHC AI at Kaiser Permanente

   Sun, Nov 3
   04:00PM - 05:00PM ET

In this one-hour pre-conference workshop, Indica Labs is pleased to host Dr. Eun Yeong Oh, MD, PhD, Assistant Regional Medical Director, Subchief of Breast Pathology, and Physician AI Champion at Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group (MAPMG), who will present on the validation and implementation of a laboratory developed test using Breast IHC AI in the HALO AP® platform. This workshop will cover how MAPMG/KPMAS selected HALO AP® and Breast IHC AI, and how they developed a business case for moving from a semi-quantitative workflow to a quantitative workflow for the analysis of ER, PR, HER2, and Ki67 in breast cancer. A timeline showcasing the selection of AI tools and their deployment as well as insights gained during deployment will be shared. Deidentified patient cases will be presented to illustrate the workflow and advantages of using AI analysis, as well as opportunities for further development of AI analysis. Finally, validation data acquired at MAPMG/KPMAS will be shared. As an introduction to the workshop, Steven Hashagen, CEO at Indica Labs, will provide a tour of Indica's broad suite of digital pathology products, demonstrating the use of the HALO platform from bench-to-bedside.

2024 Pathology Visions

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