Don't Fear the Robot! AI & Digital Tools for the Modern Pathologist

2024 Virtual Symposium



Member Rate: Complimentary!

Non-Member Rate: $150 (Individual membership is $100 & FREE for trainees!)



Please join us for the DPA Virtual DP/AI Symposium, "Don't fear the Robot! AI and Digital Tools for the Modern Pathologist", as we explore what's present and coming in the world of AI tools including such things as large language models and image search. Join the conversation about use cases and potential abuses of these tools in practice and education, noting where and how we may need guardrails as guidance. Listen to our speakers' perspectives on how they would approach pathology education if they were starting training in 2024. Watch the recorded presentations, then join us on August 22nd for the live panel and Q&A session.





Registered participants will receive a link to access the recorded presentations 1-week before the live session.


  • Adapting Teaching and Learning in the Era of Digital Pathology: The Past, Present, and Future | Dr. Sepideh Asadbeigi
    • In recent years, pathology education has undergone significant changes, moving beyond traditional methods, largely due to digitalization and the rapid development of AI. Traditional methods relied on physical glass slides viewed under microscopes and required physical presence, which had several limiting factors. Digital pathology, on the other hand, allows easier access to high-resolution digital images, enabling students and educators to access a vast library of cases from anywhere at any time. The adoption of digital educational methods accelerated during the Covid-19 pandemic, prompting educators and trainees to adapt to digital slides, remote learning, and move further away from traditional methods. This highlighted the need to expand digital pathology, integrate AI, and enhance remote learning and collaboration. Overall, there is a consensus that digitalization has made pathology education more accessible and interactive, significantly enhancing the learning experience for students and professionals alike. However, similar to any rapid change, this integration has also brought hesitations, challenges and limitations. Many of us have had to navigate through these changes, experiencing both the pre-digitalization era and the current times, while also contemplating the uncertainty of the future.


  • Floor wax or dessert topping? Utility of large language models in the pre-clinical medical school curriculum | Dr. Robert Homer
    • The speaker will review various use cases of LLM from perspective of administration, student and instructor in the pre-clinical medical school curriculum.


  • Augmented Intelligence for Pathology Residency and Fellowship Training | Dr. Roseann Wu

    • In this new age of artificial intelligence/machine learning, pathology graduate medical education will change along with every other aspect of our lives. The availability of new tools will augment and enhance pathology education like never before, yet their use is not without risks. Generative AI should be used responsibly in pathology education, and lessons from the past can help avoid pitfalls. This session aims to discuss how tools for pathology graduate medical education have evolved over time, identify best practices for using artificial intelligence/machine learning in pathology residency and fellowship, and encourage cautious exploration of augmented intelligence in the context of pathology training.



Watch the recorded presentations (~30 minutes each) and then join us for a live panel discussion and Q&A session on Thursday, August 22nd from 11 AM - 12 PM Eastern via Zoom.



Asadbeigi_NikkiSepideh Nikki Asadbeigi, MD

Dermatopathologist | OU Health

Assistant Professor | Department of Pathology

Adjunct Faculty| Department of Dermatology

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences


Dr. Sepideh N. Asadbeigi completed her anatomical pathology residency at the University of Oklahoma, followed by a Dermatology Investigative Academic Research fellowship and a Dermatopathology fellowship at Northwestern University. She has been an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Adjunct Faculty of Dermatology at the University of Oklahoma since 2022. Dr. Asadbeigi is the Associate Director of the Pathology Residency Program and co-director of the Pathology Sub-Internship, playing a key role in pathology education. She is the recipient of teaching awards in residency education and the Academy of Teaching Scholars grant, dedicated to new methods for improving the education of medical students.


Matthew HannaMatthew Hanna, MD 

Vice Chair of Pathology Informatics

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center


Matthew G Hanna, MD is the Vice Chair of Pathology Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. His prior roles included being the Director of Digital Pathology Informatics at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where he completed his Oncologic Pathology fellowship training and was a Clinical Instructor of Pathology Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh, where he completed his Pathology Informatics fellowship. He completed his residency training at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Dr Hanna serves as Secretary on the Executive Board of the Digital Pathology Association and is a board member of the NY Pathological Society. He also actively contributes as a member of the CAP as the Vice Chair of the Artificial Intelligence Committee and member of the Informatics Committee. He has expertise in digital & computational pathology. His clinical interests include breast pathology, informatics, digital pathology, image analysis, machine learning, clinical operations/implementation.


Homer_RobertRobert Homer, MD, PhD

Professor of Pathology and of Medicine (Pulmonary)

Director of Medical Studies, Anatomic Pathology

Yale School of Medicine


Robert Homer's major interests have been in diagnostic and experimental lung pathology. He was lead thoracic pathologist at Yale from 2004 to 2022 and director of Anatomic Pathology at VA Connecticut HealthCare system from 1994 to 2022. He is heavily involved in medical school curriculum development as the director of Medical Education for Pathology and is co-director of the pre-clerkship YSM course Attacks and Defenses (covering immunology, infectious disease, microbiology, rheumatology, and dermatology). One of his major current interests is exploring the use of Large Language Models in medical education.


Wu_RoseannRoseann Wu, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Penn Medicine


Roseann I. Wu, MD, MPH is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Staff Pathologist at the Perelman School of Medicine and University of Pennsylvania Health System. She is a former Associate Program Director for Anatomic Pathology and currently serves as an Associate Vice Chair for Education within the department. Her professional interests include cytopathology and thoracic surgical pathology, pathology education, involvement in pathology organizations, and workplace well-being. She is a member of the American Board of Pathology Cytopathology Test Development and Advisory Committee.

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